Talking Money

We are not certified financial professionals, nothing we discuss is professional advice.
For more information please read our Disclaimer.

We love spreadsheets and crunching numbers, and we love talking about money with other people. We both used to be very active mentors, coaches, and trainers during our careers and we spent the first few years after we retired “working” as volunteers for our communities partly because we wanted to continue using those skills to support others. Our time was given freely, in exchange for a donation to a cause that helps others.

Now that we aren’t as active on our blog, we’re leaving our posts online though we aren’t certified financial advisors and we don’t give advice. But we have worked with a professional CFP to check our numbers and our math, and we recommend that other DIY’ers do the same. Here’s the CFP board website with a search engine for finding a CFP you can work with: Find a CFP professional.

We’re also not “professional bloggers” who want to spend all of our time on the internet! We’re just regular people who figured out how to manage our own money and retire early. We wish you the best on your own personal finance journey!

Want to Work on Your Own Personal Finances?

Read these books:

Listen to these podcasts:

Watch these YouTube videos:

Put your goals into a plan, and make it YOURS!

Plug your numbers into these tools:

And write your money story!

Some feedback from our Talking Money sessions…

“Dearest Coaches Ali & Alison! How are you beautiful people? What can I say? That meeting you both, being allowed into both of your lives, has changed our lives? THANK YOU for trusting us with your friendship and your time… Life is never easy. But with special conversations, and your enlightenment and guidance, we can all become closer and can make life better.”

Hoby Dogy

“We have so much gratitude for the time you’ve invested in our FI success. We’ve learned so much in the few hours we’ve spent together! And thank you for challenging us – I feel like we’ve come so far in a short amount of time. You are a bright and beautiful light in this little FI community.”

Base Hits

“We just looked at each other after the call last night, amazed at the comprehensiveness and complexity of the work you have done for us. You have gone so far beyond anything our financial planner ever did for us. It is as though he was into financial planning for himself and his office, and you are into financial planning for us. Amazing. We’re so grateful.”

Willie’s Great Adventure

“Great news, [we] have made large strides in our financial journey discussions, since the 4 of us last connected, and I really want to thank you both for that. Sometimes, just that human connection with people who’ve done it like yourselves, helps us in ways that no book or blog could ever do. I could not have imagined a better outcome… So THANK YOU!”

Women in the Wind

“Thanks to you, I finally have a financial plan and strategy. I can’t say how much both of you have touched me. You really have. Seeing the spreadsheet really helped me visualize the future.”

Worldly Woman

“Your approach to the complex financial aspects of retirement, money management, FIRE or otherwise, is genius! Thank you both for sharing your experiences and knowledge with us! Sincerely, Forever AOC Fan Girl.”

Chasing 72′

“It was great connecting with you both, and even through Zoom your energy is tangible. I am grateful for the many aha moments our conversation generated, and it will certainly propel us forward. Thank you for being so generous with your time and sharing so freely.”

DC Money

“Thank you for all of the input on getting out of debt! Also, I have really enjoyed bouncing ideas around with you and getting your input on all of my wild thoughts about different jobs and new business ideas I could get into.”

Run Wild

“You have inspired me to start focusing on saving and investing and planning for retirement, and Iā€™m grateful for your input on investment options. Iā€™m also grateful for the inspiration and advice about following my own hopes and dreams.”

Aussie Gal

“Since I last saw you a year ago, Iā€™ve paid off all of the 85k I had in debt and am now at a point where I can save 60%+ of my income. Iā€™ve been getting acquainted with the blogs, books, podcasts, etc in the FI community. If I hadnā€™t met you, I may have never discovered FIRE. I cannot thank you enough. You helped me discover a path that gives me not only a sense of strength and security, but also joy about the future Iā€™m thoughtfully creating.”

Single Mom with Rainbow Kid

“My 401k Rate of Return is currently over 17% this year! Itā€™s been fun to watch that gradually get a bit higher since you helped me reallocate funds earlier in the year. We really appreciated chatting with you guys. Weā€™ve somewhat felt lost the past several months with trying to figure out what to do, but it helps talking it out with others. Moving to a new home is what makes the most sense right now, just have to get my heart there. We appreciate all of your advice and help!”

Two Moms & Two Kids